
Why take your lessons and sessions at Houston Kiteboarding? 

In the last year a lot in our school, rental, and experience operation has changed for the better.  The biggest improvement we now own our training area which is a waterfront 8.5acre property that has 24/7 access to some of the best shallow flat water riding conditions in the world.  We have 5 entrances including shallow water and deep-water areas for twintip and foiling.  Our shallow water area is roughly 2 square miles of waist deep water while our deep-water areas are much larger.  We have on-site facilities including gear rental, lessons, clinics, coaching, upwind jetski service, etc.  Our area gets high winds but most of our winds are medium in strength which means it is perfect for progression.  This can be landing that next trick or learning a new sport like wingfoiling, kiteboarding, kite foiling, efoiling, surffoiling etc as fast as possible with the best experience.

Local Area
We have been enjoying and teaching watersports in the Houston and Galveston area since around 2005 and have helped to create a local culture that is inviting for new riders.  We have a local watersports club that boasts 500 members and has a large private area for watersports enthusiasts.  

Local Culture
Texans are Friendly and we are no different, we love to have new riders visit the area and there are not locals only areas.  Our culture is one of acceptance and safety.  We want as many people having a good time as possible doing the sports we love. 

Experts in Kite, Foil, and Wing
We have been teaching and enjoying Kiteboarding, Hydrofoiling, and Wingfoiling since the beginning of each sport.  We have had record holders, innovators and some of the industries break through products come right from the Houston area.  There is a lot of experience with the staff at Houston Kiteboarding and the local riders in the Houston and Galveston area. 

Easy Access and Accomodations
Unlike many other riding areas in the USA and abroad where access and accomodations is limited and restricted, our local riding area unrestricted.  We even offer camping on site at the club beach location.  If you want to bring your RV or trailer into town for a weekend or month you can sign up for RV parking and camp right on the water on-site just steps from the watersports entrances. 

By Phil Midler


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