
Before you go ahead and order your Foil Drive™, you'll need to determine what length cable you need based on your board, mast and intended use.
If you are ordering an Integrated Mast the instructions are different, CLICK HERE!

What you need:

1.  Your intended board. If you have multiple board options, pick the board with the longest distance between where you'd place the box and your mast.

2. A tape measure (ideally, we want your measurement in cm's).

3. A rope or other flexible cord around 2 metres (80 inches) long.

Box Template & Cable Measurment (1).pdf

 (If you don't have a printer, this template provides the measurements to draw your own)


Each Foil Drive™ system is custom made to order and we won't be able to begin to make your order until we have confirmation on your cable. These cables cannot easily be interchanged as they are build into the motor for ultimate waterproofing. We recommend measuring against the largest board option you have as you can always coil up excess cable near the box but cannot add length. Essentially, we need the distance between the trailing edge of the mast and the location of the electronics box, plus the distance down your mast you want to run your motor. Follow these instructions, along with the attached diagram below and you’ll be out in the water in no time!


  1. With your board and mast assembled, print off the attached template. Decide where you’d like your box to sit and stick the template in place, ensuring the selected area is flat. Typically, this is just behind the leg rope pin, as close to the rear of the board as possible.

 2. Use string/rope start your measurement at the BLUE DOT on the template. Follow the contour of your board to the rear, wrap around the tail, then track back along the bottom side of the board to the trailing edge at the base of the mast. Remember to trace the rope as close to the board and mast as possible so the cable sits neatly in the tracks when installed.

3. Mark this length on your string/rope before laying it flat and measuring its length - This is measurement X, write it down.

4 .You then need to measure the distance between the baseplate and where you’ll be positioning your motor on your mast and add this to the above measurement. There's two options:

Assist - Image Left: The pods have been designed to be positioned 20-25cm down from the baseplate. This is the optimal position allowing the motor to provide assistance, then exit the water as you get on foil. Assist PLUS - Image Right: If you wish to use your PLUS to Efoil or run your motor pod lower, measure the distance from the baseplate to just above your fuselage. For foiling, we recommend 10cm above your fuselage.

 6. Add these two measurements together and this is the measurement you provide when ordering. If you are unsure of the measurement, it’s best to select a length longer as you can always coil up excess cable if not required.


Measurement X (Blue Dot to Mast - Step 2) + Measurement Down Mast (Step 4)

= Total Cable Length 

X = 65cm       +    Measurement Down Mast = 60cm

= 125cm


Maximum cable length is 2 metres (80 inches).
- The most common measurement for the Assist is 95cm.
- If you're ordering an Assist PLUS, you will be able to use your unit to E-foil and will need a longer cable to position your motor pod lower. You will need to measure from the bottom of your mast, around 10cm from the fuselage. 
- The most common measurement for the Assist PLUS is 135cm. 
For a detailed video on Motor Pod Positioning - Watch here - Pod Placement and Compatibility

If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at

By Phil Midler


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