This Collection has all of Slingshot Phantasm's PFH Series Front Wings and Lowers Kits
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Slingshot Phantasm PFH 657 (743 cm2) Front Wing Only

Slingshot Phantasm PFH 657MM FRONT WING V1 (743 CM2 SW) SPEED / MANEUVERABILITY / RESPONSE This front wing will usher in a new realm of speed and performance while still providing...
Hydrofoil Partson-sale-item

Slingshot Phantasm PFH 581 (648cm2) Front Wing Only

Slingshot Phantasm PFH 581MM FRONT WING V1 (648 CM2 SW) SMALL / FAST / ADVANCED The Performance Freeride High-Performance (PFH) 581 Front Wing was designed to unlock the highest foiling performance....
$739.00 $299.99